Character Investigator


Guy Montag

Guy Montag is a smart, free-thinking, and curious individual. Except in Guy's world he can't be an individual because he's supposed to be like everyone else. Guy runs into crisis after crisis. He struggles with his guilt and blames it on his alterego. He changes from being a good citizen to a renegade. He also changes which environment he wants to be in after his city is destroyed.

Captain Beatty

Captain Beatty is the head of the fireman and also has much knowledge in books. He's the antagonist in the story and unlike Guy who is a free thinker, he's simple minded. He doesn't change throughtout the story because he's only after the answers to life.

Professor Faber

Professor Faber is one of Guy Montag's mentors and is an ex-professor. He was able to see the decline in free-thinking and consider's himself a coward because he didn't stand up against the decline in human knowledge. Professor Faber doesn't change throughout the book but he does help change Guy's perspective on life.

Clarisse McClellan

Clarisse McClellan is different from everyone else because she enjoys nature, odd things, and is a free thinker. She is attracted to Montag because he is willing to answer any of her questions. She also shows Montag that thinking is a valid option in life. Clarisse McClellan doesn't change in the story but she does go missing and it could be related to the fact that she is different from everybody else